SEAS (Socially Engaged Art Salon)

14 September – 14 October 2020

Life as we know it has been brought to a standstill by a global pandemic; all political and social realities are under siege.

(Funded by the Arts Council England and Brighton & Hove City Council)

Image by Patrick Dougher 

‘Life, interrupted’ brings together a selection of artists who have investigated this subject matter as uncertainty permeates through our lives. Coronavirus exposed and exacerbated dysfunctions and inequalities within the global systems that govern our lives. Works displayed in this exhibition use art as a form of resistance and a way of imagining new futures. What is deemed impossible, has now emerged into the forefront of our political and social imagination.


Sameer Qumsiyeh
Alex Raduan
Anthony Muisyo
Caroline Mawer
Daniela Lucato
Gil Mualem-Doron
Jessie Georges
Laura Greenway
Mustafa Boğa
Nana Maiolini / Basia Bartz / Carla Conte
Osman Ozel
Patrick Dougher
Paulius Šliaupa
Rik Fisher
Sameer Qumsiyeh
Simon Tarrant
Vanessa Short
Verena Kandler
Zita Holbourne

Image by Anthony Muisyo

.                           Image by Alex Raduan